Grant Programme
The museum is operated by the Hawkshead Grammar School Foundation, whose main charitable purpose is to provide grants to young people to assist with their further education, vocational training, or entry into work.
Educational grants are offered by the Foundation for young people residing in the Ancient Parish of Hawkshead, which includes Skelwith and Satterthwaite but not Colton. The catchment area is bounded to the north by the river Brathay, to the northwest by Yewdale Beck, and to the south by the border with Colton Parish.
September 2024: Please note there are some changes to the transportation grant scheme for 2024-25, please see below and read the revised grant application rules carefully. The education and training grant scheme remains the same. The 2024 rules and guidance can be found here, the application form can be found here.
For 2024-25, Westmorland and Furness Council are continuing their bursary scheme for 16-19 year olds for travel to their place of study. In most cases, applicants will be better off applying for the W&F scheme than the HGSF scheme. Details of the W&F scheme, and their online application form, can be found here. Please note that you cannot receive funds from both, and that the W&F Council scheme is first come, first served. Therefore, applicants are advised to apply as early as possible to the W&F Council scheme, and to apply to the HGSF scheme only if unsuccessful with W&F. In some cases, where travel to college is only 1-2 days/week, the HGSF scheme may be the better option. If you need any clarification, please contact Joanne Heather at
The deadline for submission for 2024-25 applications is 15th October 2024 via email or in writing to Joanne Heather, at or Scutcheon House Farm, Far Sawrey, Ambleside LA22 0LQ. If you are applying for the transportation assistance grant, late applications will be accepted up to November 1st.
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